Your Students' Union

Amplify your voice: submit feedback!

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Feedback is an important part of the rep system. Sharing feedback on your course creates a feedback loop that benefits both teaching staff and students. Staff can refine their teaching methods, and students can experience an improved learning environment that aligns with their educational goals and expectations. When giving feedback, always remember that constructive and well-intentioned feedback is more valuable than negative criticism. You can submit feedback about your course and university experience in the following ways:

  1. Speak to your course rep: You can email them or speak to them before or after your lectures and seminars. You can find who they are under the ‘Your Education’ section of our website and what they do in our previous article.
  2. Your course conversation: Open to all students, Your Course Conversation is a chance for you to raise feedback about your course. They are a great way for your voice to be heard and to bring positive change to your learning experience. Your Course Conversations are scheduled in your timetable - the first ones are due to take place the week commencing 16th October. You can find minutes from Your Course Conversation here.
  3. Focus groups: In addition to your course conversations, we will occasionally provide the opportunity to participate in focus groups. The actions from these focus groups will be discussed with the University to improve provisions as the group recommends. You will be awarded a digital badge for your participation.
  4. Roundtable events: Once a semester, we organise a roundtable within your college. This is your opportunity to speak to the Senior Leadership Team from the university and discuss ways in which you would like the student experience to improve.

As you can see, there are many avenues that Your Students’ Union have created for you to provide feedback on your education and overall University experience. If you would like to join our community of thriving reps, you can fill out the application here.

Get involved, make an impact, and be the change you want to see!


Please email all related queries to and do not forget to follow us on Instagram @covunistudents



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