Candidate for the position of School of Economics, Finance and Accounting Education Rep

Candidate for the position of School of Economics, Finance and Accounting Education Rep



It’s Lewis Goode here!
I can’t emphasise how much I’d love to be your EFA School
Representative for 2018/19, but I have 200 words so I’ll be …
Over the past few years, I have worked and volunteered across various
sectors and I can’t wait to utilise these skills to help EFA students.
From my extensive experience of lobbying MPs, campaigning and
meetings in Parliament, I am no stranger to using my voice to stand up for
those whose voices matter most; overseas voluntary work taught me how
to organise events, campaigns and workshops, designed by the people,
for the people.
Additionally, I was a 1st Year Course Representative for Economics:
attending student-centric meetings; building incredible rapport with
academic staff, which aided solving countless problems.
This is just a glimpse into my experiences that will help me, to help you.
During first year I have endeavoured to continually push myself but I’m not
done yet. As your school representative, I plan on striving for change in 3
main policy areas.
Academic excellence: building a student-led and student-centric academic
Employability: strengthening skills for careers, not just jobs
Well-being: creating an environment where mental health and well-being
is of equal importance to academic success
I promise that throughout the Academic Year as your EFA School
Representative, I will continually strive for excellence and offer an ear to
all; and a voice in a time of need, in order to help accelerate your selfdevelopment.

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