Candidate for the position of School of Energy, Construction & Environment Education Rep

Candidate for the position of School of Energy, Construction & Environment Education Rep


I Joel Abdul Ugbede SI- 8349073, a Postgraduate student of Oil and Gas Management from the School of Engineering, Environment and Computing wish to apply for the School Rep role.

I previously have acted as a Course Rep for the January starters of Oil and Gas Management 2018 attending, some Rep forums. I related with the tutors on the feedbacks raised by fellow peers in my course and discussed on solutions for them. To properly relay outcomes of forums I created a social media platform (WhatsApp group messenger) for effective communication between my peers and myself.

I will wish for a change in response to technical issues that affect academic delivery in lecture halls especially issues like projector down times, heating and cooling system fluctuations. It takes quiet a slow time for the technical department to come and rectify these issues, which takes a trunk of the lecture time.

On issues I cannot explain or give feedback to, I refer course mates to the course director or available tutors to avoid mis-information.

Thanks for reviewing my application for the School Rep position with this brief personal statement of mine.

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