Candidate for the position of School of Life Sciences Education Rep

Candidate for the position of School of Life Sciences Education Rep



My ambition to be school representative began shortly after attending my latest meeting as course representative; I was keen to take a more senior role having experienced the excellent opportunities that position enabled. Receiving a nomination from a lecturer, later boosted my confidence to pursue my interest as I felt purposeful and appreciated. I would describe myself to take the natural leadership role; often, in my community centre I campaign community issues and volunteer. Moreover, within university, I am an active member of the faith centre partaking in organising events such as open-mic and charity fundraising.

The intensity of studying a biological science in first year has taught me that organisational skills and team work are vital. As well as attaining transferable skills that can also be applied to this position: including clear communication, adaptability, open mindedness and critical thinking. I often hear of student concerns and encourage voicing these with lecturers and representatives. This has opened my eyes to missed opportunity of maximising the use of Personal Tutors and perhaps an idea of integrating compulsory tutor meetings in both semesters. I believe implementing this small adaptation would not only encourage student development but promote the community feeling of HLS.


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